
Abstract Art Originals

Susan von Gries

Susan von Gries is an award winning international abstract art artist whose paintings are inspired by music and influenced by living in El Salvador, Brazil, Venezuela, Belgium, the Netherlands as well as through her extensive travels in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and the Near East.

Abstract Art Exhibitions in Brussels and The Hague have featured her work. Susan von Gries was the art commentator on Radio de Vie, an English broadcasting station in Waterloo, Belgium. Her work, including sculpture, is in private collections in Europe and North America.

Black & White Series

Abstract Art by Susan von Gries - Lyrical Gallery

Blue Series

abstract art originals - blue series

Multi-Colored Series

abstract art originals - blue series

Artist’s Vision

Lyrical Expressionism

There is a musical nature to my paintings that’s rooted in my childhood.  My father was a musician and I recall that music was always playing in our home.  As a result I developed a strong appreciation of most types of music.  Music liberates my spirit and inspires me to create art.  It transports me to a place in my subconscious where I am able to freely, intuitively and spontaneously express my emotions on canvas.  I would describe many of my paintings as being in the style of lyrical abstraction.

As the conductor shapes musical scores with his hands and baton, so too, I shape my painting compositions with brush and paint.  I begin by laying down gestured lyrical lines with my brush to shape the rhythm of the composition.  Those lines express the emotions I am feeling from the music and are primary elements in the painting.  Is the music TOUGH? EDGY? RELAXING? SEXY?  Will my brush strokes be scratchy, angular, agitated or will they be flowing, curvy and sensual?  I never know.

After I have laid down the initial roadmap for my painting I add the orchestra:  color, texture, contrast and shape.  I may also choose to employ other techniques to solidify the rhythm, harmony and intangible elements in my abstract paintings.

My hope is that the intimate connection I feel to the music will be transmitted to the viewer.

Art Gallery

If you love art and are inspired, see Susan von Gries original artworks displayed for purchase at
St. Petersburg, Florida.

Drew Marc Gallery St. Petersburg Florida